this post contains no complaints

I haven't posted at all recently because I was afraid I'd have trouble keeping my big mouth shut. I got some good news about a week ago and wasn't supposed to say anything (which has been a real pain in the...umm, wait, that's complaining). Anyway, I got the job! I'll be taking education helpdesk calls probably starting Monday. More money, more challenging calls, etc. I keep switching back and forth between "yeah, I can do this" and "oh shit, no I can't".

Also, I ordered an iBook. I justified this by telling myself I needed a machine running OS X at home. I'll probably partition my old Mac and run OS 7 and OS 8 on it to refamiliarize myself with those operating systems, since I occasionally get calls about them (schools sometimes run ancient machines).

Enough geeky stuff, I'll probably post the fun stuff later.

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