i want your skullz

Happy Halloween. I had to slip a Misfits reference in somewhere.

Since blog entries have been really sparse this month, I thought I'd try to squeeze one more in. Here's a list of marginalia:

  • Although I got my car back, it turns out the taillights weren't working. They replaced a fuse today. I hope that's all it takes.
  • I forgot to mention that those of you who are tired of hearing me whine about the lack of eggplant parm subs in my life for the last three years can breathe easier now. Mark found a place in San Marcos that makes really good ones, and he brought some up for me. He rocks.
  • I got my hair cut today. I seem to really amuse hair stylists. This one gave me tips on how to make my hair less brassy next time I bleach it. She chose to ignore the two times I mentioned that I was going to dye it purple, insisting that really light/white blonde would look great. Those of you who keep saying how much you like long brown hair might as well just give up, it ain't happening. Though I saw a picture of a slightly longer haircut I kind of liked. We'll see when this grows out.
  • The spoiled kitty brats are now eating Nutro Natural Choice Weight Control food, as the regular Nutro Max Weight Formula seemed to disagree with Nemo's tummy. Naturally, this stuff is more expensive.
  • I'm considering getting a Tofurky this Thanksgiving. I've never had one before, so if you have, let me know if they're worth it.
  • I'm a little nervous about writing approximately 2000 words a day for the next month. If you're bored, feel free to stop by in the evenings and entertain me while I write. Well, call or email first, but basically I won't be leaving the house much except to forage for food (and go to work).
  • I think that's about it. I'm going to try to see Ciccialina tonight because it's Wednesday, but traffic is apparently really bad so who knows. I guess that's not very halloweeny, but Mark and I went and saw Pieces last week and I got the Halloween stuff out of my system.

i'm too tired to be creative

Mostly these days I work, then I try to squeeze in a social life in the odd hours I have left. Tuesday nights are "happy" hour with the N5 at the Carousel, though I seem to end up there on other nights too. Wednesday night, Ciccialina plays at Room 710 and that seems to be a new tradition for me as of last Wednesday. Also, I met this super cute guy named Mark almost 4 weeks ago and we've been spending a lot of time together. In other good news, I just got my car back from the shop today, so I may be able to visit those of you that I haven't seen in quite a while. Also, I can now go grocery shopping, so I'll be trying to find time to cook, which will hopefully relieve stress.

As if I wasn't busy enough, Erica was kind enough to send me a link to this National Novel Writing Month site. I'm going to be writing 50,000 supposedly coherent words over the course of November. This may well kill me. I'm sure the results will be bad enough to kill the rest of you, so I probably won't be sharing. Feel free to send ideas and fun bits of dialogue my way, though. I think it'll be good for me to start writing again, anyway. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or whatever, right?

i usually don't answer these

Kerry sent me this email survey, so I'm just going to do it here, okay?

What time is it now?
3:49 PM Wednesday

Name as it appears on your birth certificate?
Jennifer Catherine Lyons

Jenjen, Jenstomper, Stompa

Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?
26 (well, that's how old I am. there weren't actually that many candles)

Date you regularly blow them out?
August 18th

Two cats, Darby and Nemo

Hair color?
Dark brown, sometimes.

6 in my ears, two in my nose, both nipples, and my 'hood

One, a triskalion at the base of my spine. Plans for two more if I ever can afford them.

How much do you love your job?
I'm really not loving my job, but I'm happy to have one. See previous blog entries for details, or just ask me

I guess Austin. I've moved a fair amount. Home is where my stuff is.

Current residence?
Austin, TX

Been to Africa?
Nope. Though that would be cool, except for the heat.

Been toilet papering?
Nope. I'm an angel.

Loved somebody so much it made you cry?
Yes, remind me not to do that again

Been in a car accident?
A couple. Remind me not to do that again either.

Croutons or bacon bits?
Croutons (very garlicky), I can't eat bacon bits, I don't think. Except I read that they're a soy product, so as long as they're not flavored with actual meat, I probably can.

Sprite or 7-up?
Sprite, though I'd prefer neither. Some real Limonade from France or a good Vernar's ginger soda would be nice.

Favorite Movie?
I don't know. I can never pick a favorite anything. Maybe I have commitment issues. I love goofy teen movies, silly horror movies, and more serious stuff like Apocalypse Now. I need to see Redux at some point.

Favorite Holiday?
St. Patrick's Day. Any excuse to get wasted drinking Guinness is fine by me.

Favorite day of the week?
It used to be Friday. I'd pick Tuesday now, since it's my equivalent of Friday, except that by the time I get off work on Tuesday I'm too tired to be happy. Maybe Wednesday.

Favorite word or phrase?
"Ask me if I care?" (thanks Mom)

Favorite toothpaste?
Mentadent whitening, I guess. That's what I use, anyway.

Favorite restaurant(s)?
Trudy's North Star (I'm going to have to agree with Kerry on this one. Migas!!)

Favorite flower?
Honeysuckle. There's some growing outside my patio.

Favorite drink?
Water, Shiner, cranberry juice, Diet Coke (I have to pick just one??)

The Carousel, or Casino el Camino

Favorite fast food restaurant?
I can pretty much only eat at Taco Hell now, though I've been enjoying Wendy's baked potatoes recently.

When was your last hospital visit?
I haven't even visited anyone else in the hospital since high school.

How many times did you fail your permit or drivers test?
Once, actually. I was driving someone else's car and didn't know where anything was, and I turned right without using a right turn lane that was unmarked and looked like a breakdown lane. It was actually a good thing. I was a nervous driver then, and I needed more practice. Now I'm not a nervous driver (if noone else is in the car distracting me) but I'm a nervous passenger.

Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this?
I'm not sure. Either J. Dock or Peter or Shane or monster.com. I'm constantly deleting and filing my email. I don't like a messy inbox.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
No. I've been arrested, but nothing ever came of it.

Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Probably Bed Bath & Beyond. New towels, new sheets, tons of kitchen accessories.

What do you do most often when you are bored?
Talk online, or read, or take a hot bath (and read)

Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest?
I really don't know. So many of my friends are far away.

Most annoying thing?
loud people who make repetitive noises.

Anywhere from 9:30 pm to 6 am, it just depends on what day it is and how tired I am.

Who will respond the quickest?
This doesn't apply, since I'm not sending it out.

Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond?
Again, doesn't apply

Favorite all time TV show?
Buffy. I like ER too. M*A*S*H is probably my all time favorite, though.

Last person you went out to dinner with?

Last movie you saw?
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Office Space. I had to see it again.

Favorite color?
Blue. Any shade of blue.

Car you drive?
1999 Honda Civic LX, black

Time when you finished?
4:08 PM

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