smart chick with boobs seeks...

So a guy friend of mine said to me today that it must be hard for me to meet cool guys, because I'm smart, and so I obviously only want to date smart guys, and guys in general are intimidated by smart chicks, etc. and that reminded me to tell Erica about this guy I knew when I was in high school.

His name was Taylor. I met him because my friend Jim was hanging out with him, and he was wasted, so Jim asked me to babysit him while he went to get a sandwich or something. After this, Taylor developed a crush on me. Poor Taylor wanted to join the military, but they wouldn't take him, because he was always on drugs.

I'm rambling. The point is, I ran into Taylor one night when I was stoned, and he was drunk, and he went on this big rave about how great I was, and all, but I was smart so I was really intimidating. The funny part is that he was speaking to my boobs the whole time. Apparently they're less intimidating than the rest of me (despite their size).

free to be you and me

Free to Be You and Me keeps coming up in my life. I'm pretty sure almost everyone around my age listened to it when they were little. I bought it on cd last year, and I'm listening to it right now, because Erica was talking about "the kind of help we all can do without" tonight. I think I might start an interactive Free to Be You and Me blog. I'll keep you posted.


This is the word that I was looking up some time after midnight last night, thanks to Denis Johnson and his book Already Dead. I crawled out of my warm bed to search for the Webster's, muttering about all these young authors using their fancy big words (David Foster Wallace anyone?), and I was worrying that it wouldn't be in there and I would need to buy the condensed OED (after pawning my television to afford it). Luckily, my little dictionary came through. The first definition was "given to using long words". Haha. That's funny. Denis Johnson is sesquipedalian. Unfortunately this didn't fit into the context of the sentence I was reading. The second definition said "(of a word) containing many syllables". Ho-hum. The word describes itself. That still doesn't help. However, in the etymology, it appears that it's from the Latin sesquipedali(s), measuring a foot and a half. Aha. That works. Now here's the passage I was reading:

Frankheimer rose up, covered his exquisite body with a ragged robe of brown cloth, headed toward the dining room, shutting behind him the door to the study and closing the robe's folds over the arc of his sesquipedalian dick. Now they were linked, Fairchild and this giant, Melissa the author of this union and in some sense its offspring. Now in this woman they were mixed.

Oh my. and no, it's not pr0n.

obligatory griping

I'm sick, and bored. Entertain me. I should be doing something productive, like schoolwork or cleaning, but instead, I'm blogging. I may go see Josie and the Pussycats tonight at the discount theater, though. Now, what to do until then...

Well, school started, and once again I let everything slide. My apartment looked thrashed up until yesterday evening, when I made some superficial attempts at tidying. I was feeling motivated after spending about 7 hours helping Kerry and Chris sod the backyard of their new house. I'm in less pain today than I expected, and I think we made some decent progress.

School is going fairly well. Most of you have already heard me bitch about programming class, and exams, so I'll just skip that part here. In addition, I'm mostly finished with my application to UT, I just need to track down some dates, and write an essay. Of course, then I'll have to send them money, get transcripts and SAT scores sent, etc.

The cats are doing well, and my overall mood is okay (some of you may know why it hasn't been so great lately). In other news, I finally bleached my hair for the first time, and it's been various shades of grayish/blue/turquoise since Thursday. I may post pictures.

Also, I've been working on this site. I know some of the links are hard to see, I may have that fixed by the end of the day.

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