Oh no! I've discovered that people actually read this! I don't know if that means I should post more, or less. Well, I can hardly post less than I already do. Anyway, old stuff will be archived soon. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to say to fill the void.

Currently I'm dealing with the last few weeks of the semester, so I'm stressed. I stopped eating meat a little while ago, so...err...please disregard the crispy skin in the turkey day post. I do promise to write a bit about my decision and why I made it soon.

What else? Well, let's see, I had to take the cats to the vet for the annual shots, and my psycho cat bit me because the vets were incompetent (I warn them, and I shouldn't have to, since they see him slamming himself against the door of the carrier, trying to get out and KILL them, but they still don't listen), but the puncture wound healed with no problem. He also peed all over their exam table, but I figure that's justice. It's funny how solicitous they were after he bit me. Like I was gonna sue them. I only intervened because I don't want him biting anyone else. It's such fun living in a litigious society.

What else? Ohh, I had to take my car in to get serviced, inspected, and get a mirror replaced. Meanwhile, the AC in my apartment broke. I dropped the car off before 9am on a Friday, they gave me a ride home, I called to check on the car at 4pm, they didn't call back until 6pm, when they informed me that I had to pick it up by 7pm. Unfortunately, the maintenance folks showed up at 6:05 to fix my AC, so I had to stay home. I thought I'd pick it up on Saturday, but I puttered around, and then called at 1pm, and they were closed for the day, closed Sunday, so I had to get up at 6am to pick the car up on Monday. [Note that the mirror still hasn't been installed, because I have to pre-order it, and pre-pay] I order the mirror, and I'm scheduled to bring the car back the following Friday. Thursday night I get a flat tire, I ran over a nail. I couldn't get the tire off myself (even by standing on the tire iron and jumping up and down) so I called AAA Friday morning, they put the spare on for me, and I drive to the dealer. I insist that I'll wait until the put the mirror on, because I can't have the car stay there the whole weekend. The dealership guy says it'll be over an hour. Oddly, they finished it in less than an hour. Maybe I looked grumpy. Then I drove the car to Firestone, and waited for approx. 3 hours, over an hour of which was spent "waiting for paperwork" after my car was already done. I didn't complain, but apparently I looked really mad, because I got a 10% discount. So all is well with the car.

That pretty much sums up my life right now. The car is fine, I'm fine, the cats are fine, school is hectic, I'll post soon.

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