------------------------------- UVR2- THE DESTRUCTION CONTINUES ------------------------------- SECTION TEN ------------------------------- "RYOFU!" (WHP) The lumbering giant strode down to ringside, belching fire as he went. Annie Hamilton and Jetta looked at him as he strode down to ringside. Annie: "Not bad...good shoulders...nice and big..." Jetta: "But his breath. Yuck." "JEFFRY MCWILD!" (VF2) Jeffry cast his eyes about for his compatriot, Wolf Hawkfield. His friend was nowhere to be seen. "Oh ho! Wolf! Come on, old buddy! You said you'd wait for me before we went to pick up women!" "JAGO!" (KI) Jago had his eyes fixed squarely on Magneto as he jumped into the ring. The master mutant was busy defending himself against Guy and Rose, when suddenly Jago slammed into his back with a ten-hit combo, ending with his green-glowing sword slicing through Magneto's back. Magneto fell in pain, but was up quickly enough. He looked at Jago. "So, your employer betrays me!" Jago shook his head. "No! I work alone! I am not his puppet! I am DOOM! Defend yourself, Lensherr!" Magneto was too surprised by the exclamation to block JagoDoom's fireball. He went down in flames. Up in the Eliminated seating, Rugal pondered. So, Doctor Doom had ursurped control of Jago. Interesting. Rugal had always admired Doom's tyrannical abilities. Now he would be put to the test. "MIZUKI!" (SS2) The slightly-stunned looking Mizuki wobbled down to ringside. "Master says defeat the Haohmaru protectors and protect him. I can do that. Right, doggy?" Her Demon Dog (named, quite appropriately enough, "Dog") was confused. Mizuki had never been so pliable before. She usually screamed as it ate flesh that was still alive, screamed in pleasure and joyful delight, but now she seemed kind of...out of it. _Eliminated Seating_ As Yuri Sakazaki entered the seating (weaving her way around a dozen or so homicidal robots), she quickly ran over to Ryo and Yoshimitsu. "So, how are things doing here?" "Well, lemme see. We've got half of everybody hidden away either working on a counterspell to Demitri's power boost or guarding the spellmakers, Andy and Mai went off looking for Dad and they haven't come back yet, Charlotte, Colossus, and Jon Talbain have all disappeared off to god-knows-where, and Haohmaru's disappeared. Other than that, life sucks." She grinned. "Don't worry, we're doing..." She was interrupted by Shao Kahn breaking his bench apart in a murderous rage. "Forget it. We're in crap." Shao Kahn strode over to Ryo and Yuri and Yoshi, looking very angry. "*You are the pitiful fools trying to protect the loudmouth's soul?*" They all assumed fighting stances. Ryo answered. "Yeah. What's it to you?" "*I...*" Shao Kahn was obviously forcing the words out. "*...wish to join you.*" Pins dropped and were heard easily. _The Ring_ "VICTOR VON GERDENHEIM!" (DS2) Victor wandered down to ringside. "Hi, everybody! It's so good to see you again! How are things?" Guy fell backwards as Demitri fireballed him. "Gee, you guys aren't too talkative." Rose jumped away from a Magnetic Beam. "Is it my breath?" "RANMA SAOTOME!" (R1/2HB) Ranma looked nervously into the ring. He was used to one-on-one fights, not these gigantic brawl things. Oh well. At least nobody seemed to have any water on them. "CYRAX!" (MK3) Cyrax looked over at the Eliminated Seating. His robot army were all standing in front of the gate entrance to the Eliminated section, and he wanted to watch them tear apart Sub-Zero so he could report affirmatively to his Lin Kuei programmers that the mission had been fulfilled. Suddenly, every robot in the place went completely still and silent. With one exception. "The Yoshimitsu 2000 also comes with Gauss shielding! Yes, those pesky electromagnetic pulses are a worry of the past! Get the latest in top-notch robot fighters today! Only $1999.95 from T-Tel!" Up in the booth, Birdman clicked on his com. "Well. It worked." Brant snorted over the com. "Of course it did." Robots generally don't get angry. But Cyrax was managing it. "KEN!" (SFA) Ken grinned to the crowd as he strode down to ringside. "Hey! Who do you love?" "KEN! KEN! KEN!" This was *great*. He'd wanted to be recognized all his life as a great fighter...now, he was *somebody*. And he hadn't even done anything yet! Truly, he was destined for greatness. Ken started wondering where he would place the UVR2 Championship Trophy in his dojo...the first, naturally, of a chain of many dojos... "KIM KAPHWAN!" (KOF95) Kim wandered down to ringside. He wondered where Chang had went. Oh well. He was sure Chang was off doing good deeds or something. He always was. After all, hadn't Kim told Chang extensively about the beauty of doing unto others as they do unto you? He began to whistle. _Eliminated Seating_ Ryo managed to regain his jaw movement. "YOU want to help US?" The Kahn looked irked. "*My honor has been besmirched. M. Bison has betrayed me. Speaking of which...*" The Kahn looked around, but Adon and Sodom had already fled. "*At any rate. I will NOT be insulted. M. Bison and his compatriots...I believe this "Demitri" is the ringleader...will be delivered painful deaths. By me.*" The Kahn cracked his knuckles. The sound was equivalent to bones snapping. Ryo regained his jaw long enough to look at the Kahn. "Okay. You're in. We'll call you when we need you." Shao Kahn nodded. "*Be sure to make it soon. I wish to destroy my enemies with al due haste.*" Stryker ran up to Ryo. "Look, I know about this whole Haohmaru thing. You CAN'T trust Shao Kahn. He'll betray us the first chance he gets!" Ryo grinned. "Well, *duh*." _Sub-Basement 32-YT9_ Tristan Mackenzie surveyed the damage. A couple of watermains were burst, some crushed concrete, a broken steampipe, a bust com unit. No big deal. Tristan loved his work. WHen he was working, he didn't have to talk. He just pointed, and people did things. It was heaven. Tristan pointed at the broken wall. Three mechanics ran over and started mixing concrete at a double rate. Tristan pointed at the broken mains. Two plumbers (they said they were friends of Mario and Luigi. Tristan didn't quite know what that meant, but they could plumb things, so he didn't care) ran over and started fixing them. Tristan pointed at the motionless Fulgore-1 unit standing in the centre of the room. Nobody moved. He switched on his com. "Where's m-m-my backup, Security?" _The Ring_ "IORI YAGUMI!" Iori let the Source flow from his hands as he walked towards the ring. The seemingly careless leak crackled off him dangerously. Meanwhile, up in the booth, Birdman spoke into the mike. "Via the MultiNet, we've got video links with some of the top minds in the Multiverse. From X:Men, we have Professor Charles Xavier. From Forgotten Worlds, we have Xera the shopkeeper and weapons technician. And, with us here in the studio, we have Professor Tym, famed throughout the Multiverse. So, gentlemen and lady...what the hell is that thing between Iori Yagumi's legs?" "Dunno." "Couldn't say." "Damned if I know." "MATRIX!" (TK) Matrix was desperately trying to shrug off a feeling of impending doom. She wasn't succeeding. and, the final fighter of this section: "UKYO TACHIBANA!" (SS2) Ukyo limped and staggered down to ringside. Blood matted his sleeve. He'd had quite a coughing attack as he was waiting in the pre-entry room. Pushing his reserves, he jumped into the ring and Split Swallow Slashed Demitri Maximov. The vampire fell, but was up instantly. "Ah. The refuser. Mizuki found you a tough nut to crack, I see...but I bet I can turn you over." Ukyo glared at the undead. "(hack) Try it." _Sub-Basement TT2-23U_ Charlotte looked around. "Where the hell *are* we?" Colossus didn't answer. She looked around. Nothing. Maybe he was back in the next room? She went back... ...and found Piotr unconscious, skin normal flesh, a strange collar around his neck. She rushed over to him. Her sense alerted her to an attack just as she reached him, and she rolled forward. Billy Kane's club missed her by inches. "Damn! Well, I guess we can always get you the second time." Billy jumped to one side. Eiji Kasaragi followed him in. "I told you it was a good idea to stay behind. Rugal's going to be pleased when we bring her in..." Billy Kane looked very pleased with himself. Suddenly, their reverie was interrupted. "GADOUKEN!" A smallish fireball slammed into Eiji's back, knocking him forward. A Gale Kick finished the job, knocking him down. Dan then jumped to Charlotte's side. "You all right?" Charlotte grinned evilly. "Very well. Shall we kill them?" "Ladies first..." WHO WILL LIVE? WHO WILL DIE? BETS ON WHEN SHAO KAHN BETRAYS THE GOOD GUYS?