UVR2: THE DESTRUCTION CONTINUES ------------------------------- SECTION TWO ------------------------------- Birdman looked on as Big Bear called the action. "Folks, I've written a song about the Rumble. It's a nice little song. And I hope you all like it." Birdman hastily interjected. "Wait! You aren't going to sing a capella, are you? That's passe!" Big Bear looked at him. "Okay. You have a point. I guess I'll have to send for my guitar..." "WOLF HAWKFIELD!" (VF2) The huge Canadian ran down to the ring. Once inside, he gave his nodemate, Akira, a high five. "All right! NOW we're gonna kick some ass, right, Akira?" "Quite." Wolf noted that Akira needed to loosen up a little. "GLACIUS!" (KI) "FoR wHo iT cOnCeRnS, tHe oNe KnOwN aS hAoHmArU iS tHiS oNe'S pRiMaRy TaRgEt. InTeRfErE nOt AnD tHe SaMe ShAlL bE GrAnTeD uPoN sElF." Wolf instantly went after Glacius with a vengeance. "Why did I have to be the hero?" he wondered. "EIGI KASARAGI!" "So, how do you pronounce his name? Eee-gy? Eee-gee? Ay-gee? Ay-gy? I-gee? I-gy?" "How about we call him "The Fighter Formerly Known As Prince?" Birdman looked at Big Bear, wondering if he would get the joke. He didn't. "LEI WULONG!" (T2) Lei was beseiged by Fei Long, who had broken the "no SF2ers" rule to meet his hero (well, his hero was Bruce Lee, who was dead, but Fei was kind of confused. Rest assured, seeing his hero would occur later.) "Jacky Chan! Wow! I've seen ALL your movies! I love 'em! Especially "Fantasy Mission Force"! What ACTING!" "STRYKER!" (MK3) "Well, Big Bear, it would appear that MK3's fighters are having a rather rough go of it thus far. No eliminations, whereas last year they already had two." "It's all the killing. Bad karma." "MORRIGAN ARNSLAND!" (DS2) "Another node that's had a rough go of it thus far. How well can Morrigan do? Will she top her seven eliminations from last year's UVR?" "If a tree falls in the forest, will it crush a chipmunk?" "Bear, how much longer are you scheduled to be here?" "DAN!" (SFA) Dan was confused. He'd met someone called "Robert Garcia" in the hallway, and this Garcia guy looked like his father used to! Dan was suspicious of wrongdoing. Bison was responsible. Bison was the source of all evil. Bison would pay. Yes. Pay. In blood. And bile. And innards. and... Dan wiped the flecks of foam from his mouth. "MAI SHIRANUI!" (KOF95) "Another strong fighter from last year. Team England proved to be the Bitches from Eastwick, as some of their victims came to dub them. However, will they fare so well alone? After all, Yuri Sakazaki was nearly eliminated before her teammates showed up...and once one was eliminated, the others fell like so much driftwood." "THUGG!" (TK) No commentary here. Thugg's just...indescribable. Too easy a target. It's like making Dan Quayle jokes. "ZEUS!" (WHP) The huge giant strode down to ringside, scanning for Haohmaru. He was the latest recruit to the camp of Pyron and Mizuki. After all, Mizuki paid well. All she wanted was this little service, plus some florescent green energy she'd pulled from Zeus' body, and she'd granted him extra power. Nothing much, really. and, the final fighter of this section... "HAOHMARU!" (SS2) "HA! SO ONCE AGAIN I DRAW A COMPARATIVELY EARLY ENTRY! AND TRULY, I WOULD NOT HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY! FOR IT IS THE LEGENDARY THING TO DO, TO OVERCOME ALL ODDS AND DEFEAT ALL OPPONENTS, AND ONE CANNOT DO THAT IF ONE IS A LATE ARRIVAL! AFTER ALL, LAST YEAR I DREW TWENTY-SIXTH, AND THEN PROCEEDED TO FIGHT FOR THREE HOURS STRAIGHT AND ELIMINATE TWENTY-TWO OPPONENTS, PARTAKING OF SAKE ALL THE WHILE! I DEFEATED DEATH ITSELF, PROVED MYSELF THE SUPERIOR OF THE DEMON AKUMA (WHO, IT MUST BE POINTED OUT, TRIED BUT FAILED TO SEDUCE ME TO THE DARK SIDE, FOR ONLY ONE WITH MY LEGENDARY WILLPOWER COULD BREAK FREE OF HIS EVIL CLUTCHES, AND INCIDENTALLY, FOR SOME REASON NO LONGER REMEMBERS HIS DOUBLE HUMILIATION AT MY HANDS), ELIMINATED THE FAMED KEN MASTERS (WHO ALSO APPEARS TO BE HAVING MEMORY PROBLEMS), AS WELL AS TWO DARKSTALKERS, SEVERAL OF MY OWN "NODE'S" FIGHTERS, AND A MIGHTY ALIEN WARRIOR WITH A SHOULDER THAT SHOT FIRE! TRULY, I AM UNDEFEATABLE! FOR MINE IS THE NOMAD'S WAY, THE WARRIOR'S WAY, THE HEALTHY WEIGH..." At the sound of Haohmaru's voice, Morrigan, Glacius, Sodom, Eigi Kasaragi, and Zeus all started towards him. Wolf groaned. "One hundred and thirty fighters to go..." Akira stared at him. "What? Wolf just grumbled. "Come on. I'll explain as we fight for the whole Multiverse..." WHO WILL LIVE? WHO WILL DIE? IS HAOHMARU *REALLY* THAT COOL?